Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon

March 8, 2015

It's International Woman's Day. I didn't know this was a thing. Why didn't I learn about this day until now, on a bar sign?

It's sort of strange that it happens on a Sunday. It's easy to overlook since it's on a Sunday. Nobody's at their desks to read news about it. The News doesn't seem to be saying much about it. Even the would-be concerned bloggers of the world are probably just brunching through it. A quick Google Trends search shows it's a more popular query this year than it's been in the last ten. 

I can't say "woman's day" without hearing Peter Gabriel's Shaking The Tree in my mind. I also can only hear the phrase in Paula Cole's voice

Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon
We are shakin' the tree
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon
We are shakin' the tree

Waiting your time, dreaming of a better life
Waiting your time, you're more than just a wife
You don't have to do what your mother has done
She has done, this is your life, this new life has begun

It's your day, a woman's day
It's your day, a woman's day

That song came out in the 1989. There's been progress since then, but we could do better. 

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