Pittsburgh Bound

Sunset on i76 at 80mph
Sunset on i76 at 80mph
24/7/365 in Carlisle
24/7/365 in Carlisle
Refueling in Penn Hills
"Why is your car dirty?" the gas stations's sign asks
Ingomar, my parent's place, somewhere around 10pm.
December 24, 2015

It was a drag getting out of Manhattan. Traffic in front of the Holland Tunnel held us around Hudson Square for about 45 minutes. I've waited in line for the tube for 3 hours before, so this wasn't so bad, comparatively. My pal and traditional holiday rider, Dean, and I had good coversation in the meantime.

Once we got moving, traffic lightened up. A fiery sky provided a great view for hours and kept my heart rate down. I don't normally take photos of sunsets, but this one was amazing. Dean and I swapped control of the stereo, playing records for each other on the drive.

We arrived around 9pm. His family invited me to have "Dago food" with them, but as much as I wanted to feast on seven fishes with a bunch of Pittsburgh Aye-talians, my parents were expecting me. 

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