Displaying 711 - 720 of 854
I really like driving. There are a lot of really aesthetically pleasing moments that happen on the open highway. At high speeds they're easy to miss. And while thinking of your destination they're all the more easily ignored.
At Lotus, my favorite local pan-Asian grocery store in Pittsburgh, I spotted an entire box of these. Desires beyond my control drew me near. I bought three for something like 49¢, and ate one.
Field Notes:
Later that day...
I ran to my observation tower and gazed out upon the landscape. The air was thick with tension and heavy with the aromas of the unshowered masses. "Help Keep Lawrenceville Clean!" I shouted. They only strummed banjos and banged beat up drums. Maybe they couldn't hear me. I decided to get a little closer.
At street level
There were a lot of things that bothered me about the lead up to the G20. This gathering in Friendship Park, essentially a meet-and-greet for the punks and the media, was one of the more absurd events I've seen.